Vasectomy Reversal Cost
The cost of a vasectomy reversal is often the one thing most people focus on. When examining a medical procedure, quality of care and value should carry the highest weight. Quality and value can be broken down specifically into three categories: Success Rate of the doctor, doctor experience, and patient care.

The cost/success relation
A doctor that performs only a few reversals a year will average approximately 50% chance of returning sperm. If the local Urologist has a cost structure of approximately $6,000 for a 50 % chance to return sperm this results in a success rate adjusted Vasectomy Reversal Cost of $12,000 (if 100 % chance of returning sperm was achievable then his dollar cost of $6,000 is multiplied by 100 % and then divided by his actual 50 % success rate).
Sperm retrieval and in vitro fertilization with intracellular sperm injection (ivf-icsi)
This procedure is a viable alternative to a failed vasectomy reversal. Typically this has a lower success to cost ratio than first attempts at reversal but even for many cases of second attempts. In this procedure, sperm is retrieved from behind the failed vasectomy reversal and used for In Vitro Fertilization. This procedure is not typically recommended, even for couples with a prior failed reversal. Why? The Vasectomy Reversal Cost of a redo reversal is more cost effective and can have a higher success rate.