Cryopreservation in Frisco, TX: An ounce of prevention to carry on your family name
While it isn’t something most young men think about, cryopreservation of sperm in your 20s could be a game changer in having a healthy biological family later in life. Dr. Jeffrey Buch, an internationally-recognized expert in male health and fertility, shares this advice for men in Dallas, the Frisco, TX area, and across the globe.

Families are changing
The average age for an American man’s first marriage is now 29, as compared to age 26 in 1990 and 22 in 1960. Second families are common, often producing biological children in a new relationship, at a time when earlier offspring may be starting families of their own. While a man may produce viable sperm throughout life, many changes can occur that impair the chance of conception.
Semen cryopreservation, also known as sperm banking, is a means of preserving a man’s sperm so that it may be thawed and used for insemination at a future time. While there is an initial expense and annual storage fee, the cost can be much less than attempts at in vitro fertilization or adoption. Plus, you cannot put a price tag on the value of a healthy baby.
For this reason, an increasing number of young males are considering sperm banking, and their parents are encouraging it.
Why young men in Frisco, TX consider cryopreservation
When you are at the peak of virility, it is human nature to ask, “What could possibly go wrong?” Here are some of the curveballs life could throw your way to diminish your ability to father children. As you read through the list, it becomes obvious that most men will encounter at least one of these situations during a lifetime.
- Sexual dysfunction – Inability to achieve or maintain an erection, or to ejaculate.
- Varicocele – Swelling of veins that drain testicles reduces sperm quality.
- Infection – Inflammation in male sexual organs may cause scarring that blocks passage of sperm.
- Spinal cord injury or disease – Which may prevent ejaculation.
- Immune system disorder – When antibodies mistakenly attack sperm.
- Cancer – Many types of cancer affect glandular function, and even benign tumors can impair male reproductivity. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and cancer medications also impact fertility.
- Hormonal imbalance – Dysfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands as well as the testicles themselves, can trigger low testosterone levels.
- Celiac disease – Gluten sensitivity is linked to male infertility.
- Medications – A wide variety of chemicals, from anabolic steroids to prescription medications and illicit drugs, influences functioning of the male reproductive system.
- Surgeries – Inguinal hernia repair, scrotal or testicular problems, prostate issues, rectal cancers, and other surgeries can block sperm.
- Environment – Exposure to toxins, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, and even extreme heat may reduce sperm production or function.
- Alcohol consumption – Drinking lowers testosterone levels and contributes to liver disease, which may lead to fertility issues.
- Tobacco – Including secondhand smoke.
- Stress – Prolonged emotional strain interferes with normal hormone production needed for healthy sperm.
- Obesity – Which causes hormonal changes that impact sperm.
- Trauma – To the penis or testicles.
- Vasectomy – Your desire to father children may change over time.
Do young sperm make healthier babies?
Possibly. While there is still much to be learned about the complex interaction of the mother’s and father’s DNA in a baby’s physical and mental health, a study of 2.6 million Swedish children revealed some interesting trends.
A child fathered by a man aged 45 or older is:
- Three times more likely to be on the autism spectrum
- Thirteen times more likely to be ADHD
- Twenty-five times more likely to have bipolar disorder . . .
Than a child created from the sperm of a man aged 20 to 24. In addition, the Mayo Clinic reports that offspring of older men face increased risk of birth defects such as achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder.
Research supports that genetic mutations occur more frequently in the sperm of older men. A 20 year old father passes, on average, 25 mutations. The sperm of a 40 year old man carries an average of 65 mutations. Difficulty conceiving a child statistically increases with the age of both partners, as well.
If you are considering vasectomy, facing surgery, dealing with a cancer diagnosis, or simply want to protect your option to have children in the future, the time for cryopreservation of sperm is NOW. Call (972) 996-7177 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Buch at Legacy Male Health in Frisco, TX.