If You Are A Man Looking To Improve Your Sexual Health, Visit Legacy Male Health in Frisco, TX
At Legacy Male Health, Dr. Jeffrey Buch and his staff approach men’s sexual and reproductive health from a total health perspective and are here to provide you with everything that you need to live your best life. We specialize in treating men’s health issues such as:

- Sexual Dysfunctions
- Reproductive Health
- Male Infertility
- Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversals
- Low Testosterone
It is our goal to provide these state-of-the-art services as well as individualized care aimed to suit each patient’s needs. This is accomplished through a range of microsurgical procedures and medical treatments geared towards overall male health.
Sexual Dysfunction
This topic is one that many men can feel embarrassed about and not want to discuss. Ignoring sexual dysfunction is not only doing a disservice to yourself but your partner as well. It can place a strain on the relationship you and your partner have due to several reasons including a loss of sex drive. Most men are surprised to hear that the problems they are having are actually, very common and they are nothing to be ashamed of. Some of these issues can include:
- A loss of libido (sex drive)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Issues with orgasm
- Problems with ejaculation
When you come to Legacy Male Health, Dr. Buch will take your history and perform an examination in order to work with you to develop a practical and goal-oriented approach to treatment.
Reproductive Health and Male Infertility
Reproductive health is an important part of a man’s overall health. Historically, male reproductive health has not been looked at as deeply as a woman’s when discussing overall reproductive problems such as issues with contraception and infertility. When a man has a healthy reproductive system, sperm is created in the testes and passes through the epididymis, which stores and nourishes the sperm. From there the sperm moves through the vas deferens and is stored in the seminal vesicles. At the time of ejaculation, the sperm is mixed with a fluid to create the semen that will travel from the male into the female for fertilization.
There are factors that can cause male fertility to decrease. Some of these factors can include:
- Varicocele – When the veins which drain the testicles swell, this can cause infertility issues, but you don’t have to worry. Take some solace in the knowledge that this is the single most common and reversible cause of male infertility.
- Infection – There are several infections that can cause infertility in male patients. Some of these fall under the sexually transmitted disease “umbrella” such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia. These infections cause interference with the sperm and create scarring which blocks the passage through which the sperm travels.
- Ejaculation Issues – This could be due to physical issues like a spinal cord injury or certain diseases that can prevent men from ejaculating semen, even if the male can still produce sperm. Retrograde ejaculation can also be an issue, which is when a man’s semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of exiting out of the penis.
- Hormonal Imbalance – Infertility can result from abnormalities that are affecting hormonal systems in the body including the hypothalamus, pituitary glands, thyroid or adrenal glands.
There are other issues that could be causing reproductive health issues that can be discussed at your appointment if you are affected.
Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversals
A vasectomy is a form of male birth control and can be performed for any number of personal reasons. The end goal of a vasectomy is to prevent the sperm from entering the male ejaculate so that, during sexual intercourse, pregnancy cannot occur. A vasectomy can be performed via an incision in the scrotum (the sac which holds the testicles) so that each vas deferens tube can be cut, have a section removed, and then sealed off with sutures. This is done under local anesthesia so that no pain or discomfort is experienced by the patient. There is a variation on this method where the cut end of the vas deferens on the testicle side is left unsealed. This is done when a man wants the type of vasectomy that is more easily reversed at a later time.
Dr. Buch routinely performs the least intrusive type of vasectomy calles a no-scalpel vasectomy. This process is faster healing, leaves the patient with less tenderness post-procedure and has lower chances of complication. If you need to reverse a vasectomy, Dr. Buch has 99 % success rates in straight-forward cases. When you have your consultation with Dr. Buch, the procedure that is best for you will be determined.
Low Testosterone
Testosterone, a hormone produced by the human body, is mainly produced in a male’s testicles and can affect anything from a man’s appearance to their sexual development and drive. It also plays a role in muscle and bone mass development. In some men, testosterone levels can be low due to several factors one of which is age. As a man ages, testosterone levels will begin to gradually drop. Low testosterone is best addressed and best treated by an expert in low testosterone matters, such as Dr. Buch.
Give Dr. Jeffrey Buch at Legacy Male Health a call on (972) 996-7177 if you encounter any of these issues. You are always welcome and will be provided with expert care regarding any men’s health issue you may be facing in a caring and comfortable atmosphere.