Low Testosterone (Low T) Treatments
Men of all ages, even in their 20’s, are increasingly being diagnosed with Low T or Low Testosterone levels. Men with low T often report gradually increasing fatigue, decreasing sex drive (libido), decreasing mental sharpness, and weight gain as a result.
It is extremely important to know if a man needs to preserve his fertility, since simply giving Testosterone replacement therapy in these instances will usually diminish the affected male’s sperm count to zero. Instead, there are ways to increase a man’s low Testosterone level by stimulating the testicles to make more Testosterone, and this is the “sperm friendly” way to treat Low T.
Simply adding Testosterone to a man affected with Low T will cause the brain to sense that there is “plenty” of testosterone available, and will therefore shut down all stimuli to the testicles to make their own Testosterone. Doing this can also shut down stimulation of sperm production, since it is regulated by the same mechanism, which then results in
severe male infertility. Additionally, the testicles will very often gradually decrease in size and this may not recover.
As previously referenced in our blog, oral pills such as Clomid, Tamoxifen, or Letrozole can be used effectively to improve testosterone levels and preserve fertility. However, there is a chance (about 50%) that these medications could have estrogen effects at the brain level, resulting in reduced sex drive. If this happens, the pills are stopped and sex drive returns to normal within 1-2 weeks. In such cases, we then switch to HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which is a biological equivalent to one of the normal brain hormones that stimulate the testicles. With the use of HCG, there are no negative effects on the man’s sex drive.
A man’s Estrogen (Estradiol) level must also be taken into careful consideration. Too high a level of Estrogen in a man can lead to moodiness and significant water weight gain. Rarely, if the Estradiol goes too low, then the man may experience ED.
Symptoms of low testosterone levels in men: explained by Dr. Jeffrey Buch
In this video, Dr. Jeffrey Buch explains the symptoms of low testosterone levels as:
- Low energy and easy fatigue
- Lack of interest in partner
- A mental fuzziness
- Depression
To know more, contact Dr. Jeffrey Buch on Legacy Male Health
The gentlemen are suffering from low energy and easy fatigue, not interest in wife or partner. Other symptoms of low testosterone include a mental fuzziness. Not feeling sharp, high-level mental function, short term memory.
Treating Low Testosterone at the Legacy Male Health Institute
In all cases, Low T is best handled by an expert in Low T and male health rather than by your Primary Care Physician.
Contact Dr. Buch at the
Legacy Male Health for more information or a consultation regarding Low T or other male health issues.
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