5757 Warren Parkway, Suite 110, Frisco, Texas 75034Directions
Free PHONE consultation on vasectomy reversal
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Following your surgery, you will be given an oral pain medication to relieve pain at the area of your incision. Please use this narcotic pain pill only as needed for moderate or greater discomfort. If you are taking it often, you may need to take milk-of-magnesia or another gentle laxative to prevent constipation. You may also have an antibiotic to decrease risk of wound infection. You may also have a prescription for Naprosyn, an aspirin-like anti-inflammatory and anti-pain medicine. Please wait for 24 hours after surgery to begin the Naprosyn since it can thin blood slightly, just like aspirin. Please take this for 14 days.

Patient Care

Your incision will be covered with a dressing. Please remove this dressing the morning after surgery. You may take a shower. You may either reapply a light dressing or leave the incision open to air after your shower (do not apply ointment or pick at the incision). An ice pack wrapped in a hand towel and applied to the testicles, will help minimize swelling and should be used for at least the first 48-72 hours after surgery. It's normal to see swelling or bruising around the incision. This will disappear in time (gradually over the next two weeks). When reclined or in bed, to help minimize swelling in the scrotum, roll up a hand towel and place under the scrotum. When up walking, use underwear (i.e.jockey/bikini) or the "jock-strap" provided at surgery to support the testicles for the first 4 weeks after surgery.


There are no dietary restrictions after your surgery. To avoid constipation, you should drink plenty of fluids and eat a high fiber diet (i.e. fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals, breads). Lifting/Exercise Light activity only the first 10-14 days. Lift only light objects, no more than 15 lbs., keep your back straight, knees bent, and allow your legs to do most of the work. Mild exercise helps improve your circulation. Beginning on day 3-4, you can walk as much as is comfortable and gradually advance to normal. It's also okay to climb stairs, but take them slowly, one at a time. Two weeks after surgery you can gradually increase activity to normal levels as pain and swelling permits. Typically by 4-6 weeks post-op, you can resume heavier activities such as jogging, weight lifting, etc. Avoid straddle-type activities such as bicycling for 6 weeks post-op.


Driving may strain your incision. Taking the narcotic pain medication slows your reaction time and decreases mental alertness. Don't drive while taking the narcotic pain medication. Please wait at least 3 days after surgery to begin driving, however, you may be a rider in the car immediately after surgery.


You may resume sexual relations at 14 days after surgery depending on your level of comfort.


If you have a desk job, you may be able to return to work as early as 4-5 days after surgery. Please work no more than 3-4 hours your first day back. You won't know if you over did it until the next day. If your job requires more physical activity, you may have to wait up to 2 weeks before returning to work. There is a large amount of variability from one person to the next in matters of healing and pain tolerance, and our recommendations are based on the average person.

Follow-up Visits

You will need to schedule a follow-up exam in 10-14 days after surgery unless you live out of town. This exam is to check the progress of your healing. Call (972) 996-7177 to schedule your appointment.

When To Call The Doctor

If you experience any of the following:

  • PERSISTENT FEVER > 101° F, that does not go down with use of Tylenol, coughing and deep breathing.
  • EXCESSIVE SWELLING/PAIN (early swelling up to twice the normal scrotum size can occur – this will resolve!)

Semen Exams & Follow-up

The first semen exam after surgery is at 4 weeks, and should be coordinated with an office visit(except for out of town clients). Additional visits with semen exams are required at 2-month intervals thereafter for up to 6-12 months to assure maximum sperm count and quality. Continued follow up is critical to a successful outcome.
What Our Patients Say

Legacy Male Health Institute

Rating : 5
Dr. Buch is a life saver. Dr. Buch was very helpful with me with my low-t. Dr. Buch started me on an Hrt program that I am now finally started to feel good. I am also doing Sermorelon/ghrp-2 and it's been a month already and I feel great. My wife like's the stamina and vigor I have in the bedroom. I highly recommend this Dr., he will help you to feel great again and his staff is super friendly as well. Also my friends are noticing a difference in me as well and boy it feels great to hear those compliments. Thanks a lot Dr. Buch you're the best.
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Vasectomy Reversal Pre and Post Op Questions and Precautions Frisco, TX